The Complete Guide to Travel Blog Linkups

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What travel lover doesn’t love a good story? How about something even better: a collection of travel stories all in one place, also known as a travel blog linkup!

Why participate in a blog link-up?

Whether you call them travel blog linkups, blog hops, or linkys, they make for enjoyable armchair travel. Readers enjoy them because they are an easy way for readers to discover new writers and read about far-flung places they might never have otherwise heard of.

Bloggers love them too, because they are a good way to share their travel experiences and to get to know others with a common interest. Considering the way commenting creates a bit of community and fellowship, it’s little wonder that some people call them link parties!

Blog hops are fun

As one-time co-hosts of #TheWeeklyPostcard linkup, we know how much fun these blog hops can be. We enjoy participating in link-ups ourselves and are thrilled whenever those hosts participate in ours.

Unfortunately, one problem that we all face is that blog hops all run at different times and in different time zones, which makes it too easy to forget to participate until it is too late and the event has already closed!

In an effort to keep all the travel blog link parties straight, I began to compile an informal list of all the linkups I came across. It didn’t matter whether they would welcome all travel-related posts or were just for photo essays; any blog hop related to travel got added to my list. Now that I’ve listed all the active travel link ups I can find, I’m sharing my “cheat sheet” with you.

Blogs are listed Sunday-Saturday according to the time the link goes live. When available, participation times are in hotel/military time. You can use this Time Zone Converter to calculate for time zone differences.

I hope you find this helpful.

Travel blog linkups – we need your help!

Just as link ups are a team effort, so is this page. Linkups and participants come and go.

So if you know of any changes or additions, please be kind to fellow bloggers and let us know so we can update our page. You can message us here.

ⓘ TIP: For more website traffic ideas, I’ve found this inexpensive book to be super helpful!

Eiffel tower behind text that says Travel Blog linkups The Complete List

Travel Blog Linkup List


Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Host: image-in-ing

Open 7 days, from Tuesday 00:00 – Monday 23:55 GMT+8

The focus is photography in general rather than travel photography specifically. Her sidebar includes a blogroll of more photography link ups you can enjoy.

image-in-ing link up

Our World Tuesday

Host: Our World Tuesday Meme

Open all week from: Tuesday – Monday (time unclear)

The “Meme” part of the name is really accurate: This is a link up with few words and no comment section!

Linkup 3 Our World Tues


Faraway Files


Open: Thursday 08:00 – Friday 24:00 GMT

Faraway Files is a weekly file of the best travel ideas on the web. We want to dream of faraway places, make new travel plans and share our travel secrets. Inspire us to travel to new places or revisit a place we thought we knew. We know that you can feel faraway even when you’re close to home so share your experiences of travels near and far wherever you are in the world.

Travel blog linkup Faraway Files


Fearless Family Travel



Open: Runs the first week of each month – from the 1st day 1am GMT to 11pm GMT on the 7th

#fearlessfamtrav is the place to come and link up all your favourite family travel posts. From days out and holidays, city trips to beach breaks, top tips, accommodation and product reviews. If it’s about family travel then we want to hear about it!

no logo available

Tots Travel


Host: Tots 100

Open: All month.

Join in with any of our regular Linky posts by linking up your blog posts, to find new readers and find great new blogs to enjoy.

no logo available

How to be more effective with your travel blog link up strategy

There are more ways to take advantage of link ups than just tweeting and posting on Facebook.

  • Use the Golden Rule to your advantage. Here are 10 tips that will help you participate in blog link up parties effectively.
  • Do you pin to Pinterest? Linkups are a great source for new content for your boards. Hotels, foreign cuisines, dream destinations and Bucket List activities are only a few ideas. Plus, most travel bloggers have Pinterest accounts that you can follow which will give you even more for your own Pinterest boards.


Share this on all your social media channels. When more bloggers participate in linkups, there are more who will share your posts!

  • Save this article on Pinterest
  • Flip it
  • Tweet it
  • Share it with your Facebook groups
  • Tell us how else you will get the word out
Orange and yellow background of fireworks. Text says Travel Blog Link-ups The Complete List

Share this story with others

Written by Linda

Linda is multilingual and has been to over 50 countries. Her insatiable love of travel, cuisine, and foreign languages inspired her to create As We Saw It, where she documents her trips, shares practical itineraries, and offers insider tips. She’s passionate about helping fellow travelers save time, money, and hassle, and loves to explore new places.

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104 thoughts on “The Complete Guide to Travel Blog Linkups”

  1. Linda this is a fabulous list! Blog hops are fun ways to make friends, to grow your following while you grow other blogger’s readerships and of course, to find resources for your travels. Never forget that many travelers follow our blogs, said travelers having zero interest in blogging but being solely interested in our travels.


  2. Great post!! I am going through all of them. some of the linky doesn’t exist, I guess. I am a new lifestyle blogger and have written two posts travel related. It helped me a lot to get my blog post exposure. I have done only mondays to Wednesdays so far :).

    • I’m glad you found the article helpful Manisha. I’ve tried to keep up with all the linkups, but it’s a lot more work than I can manage on my own. It really helps when people let me know of new linkups or when they find links that don’t work. Feel free to comment and I’ll add the update ASAP.

  3. I have never heard of a link party and I needed some time before I understood what the list is about (stupid :)) anyways really cool. This will come handy as I am just putting together ideas and collecting the courage to start my first travel blog. Thank you a lot!

    • You are very welcome, Marusa. We’ve found them super-helpful for getting social media material. The travel blogging community can be really supportive.

  4. What a great list! Thank you! I’ve been looking for travel linky parties as I’ve heard a lot about linky parties from mom bloggers. I’m new and a little nervous but am ready to give it a try! Since I blog about traveling with the kid and making it educational I needed to find a niche that matched me…Love the mom bloggers for fun but it doesn’t match my blog niche!

    • You’re so welcome, Natalie. Link parties are so much fun and easy – I’m sure you’ll get the hang of them quickly. I like them because reading others people’s writing helps me hone my skills. Plus, it’s great when I can leave a comment that adds to the conversation.

  5. Thank your very much for this list ! I participate already in some memes but there are others which are really interesting to me and I am looking forward to participate !

  6. Linda, thank you!! This list was super helpful!! Linked up with a few awesome people 🙂

    I just wanted to share that I also have a monthly #TravelTuesday Linkup. It takes place the 2nd Tuesday of each month and runs for two weeks.

    I am not sure how often you update, but I just thought I would share in case you felt it was a good fit 🙂

    Thank you and have a wonderful day!!

    • Hi Melanie, I’m glad you liked our list, and thanks for telling me about your #TravelTuesday Linkup. Of course I’ll add it! I’ve sent you an email.

      I update this whenever I hear about changes, and I hope to do a big update in December to help bloggers as they plan for the upcoming year.

      For anyone who is reading this and wants to add/correct a linkup, just contact us with the same details that I provided for the other linkups. If you have a 250×250 graphic, let us know.

  7. Hi Linda, I just found this list when I was searching for a list of travel blog meet-ups; I wanted to say thanks so much for taking the time to put it together, it’s really useful 🙂

    • Hi Poojaaaaa! You are so very welcome. 🙂 I would be so grateful if you would please let me know if any of the information changes. It would be a massive help.

    • You’re welcome, Priya. Please let us know if anything changes, and of course you are always welcome to join in our own linkup at #TheWeeklyPostcard every Friday. 🙂

  8. Wonderful list. I look forward to checking these out.

    FamiliesGo! and Malaysia Meanders are both part of Weekend Travel Inspiration with Corinne, Rhonda, etc. Would greatly appreciate if if you could add those links!!

    And Bay Essence is no longer part of it.

    Thank you!

    • Thanks for letting me know, Eileen, and I’m glad you like our list. I’ve added you and Malaysian Meanders, and alphabetized the list as well. I hope we’ll see your stories on #TheWeeklyPostcard too. 🙂

  9. What a super idea, thanks for putting this together 🙂
    I’ve been linking up with some of the parties here off and on, but happy to learn of so many more.
    Also, thanks for including the 3 Girls and a #BlogAlong link-up here as well. Looking forward to all the sharing and blog partying in 2016!

  10. What a great collection of link-ups! Thank you so much for including us at Photo Friday. We start on Thursday nights at 8:00 p.m. CST.

  11. Great list and tips. You’ve introduced me to some new linkups, more to join. Thanks, Linda!
    I never got the hang of Stumble Upon, will have to dig into it a bit more.

  12. This is such an amazing resource!! I’m bookmarking this page right now! Thanks for the mention, although I’m just a guest-host for Travel Tuesday! Bonnie from A Compass Rose Blog is the main host! [] and the time zone is GMT.

    I plan to start a new one soon though, so I’ll be in contact!!

    Thanks again! This is so great!

  13. Thanks for doing this list I often wish someone had done just that. Nancie now has three co-hosts. I’m one (Budget Travel Talk) then there’s Ruth from Tanama Tales and Rachel from Rachel’s Ruminations.

    • I’m glad we’re connected too, Elaine, especially because we’re into health pursuits. Thanks for connecting up to #TheWeeklyPostcard. I appreciate the support.

  14. Oh, Linda, this is such a great idea! This post will come in very handy for so many bloggers out there. Thank you for writing this post for our travel bloggers community.

    • Hi Rhonda, I was surprised by how many there are as well. Thank you for checking your links and letting me know what needed to be corrected. I really appreciate it. I hope everyone on this list does the same.

  15. This is great – I definitely want to get involved with some new linkies this year (one of my last-minute resolutions!). Thanks for including #CityTripping here too. (Coming over from #mondayescapes)

  16. What a great compilation! I always have trouble keeping track of all the time-zones and missing link-ups or end up being like #100 to arrive.. Oh well.. Thank you for listing our little blog hop! 🙂

  17. Hello Dan and Linda,
    I just want to say I miss you both. And let you know I enjoy your blogs and the photos.

    Love, your cousin Hope

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As We Saw It