Travel Blogger Opportunities: Write for Us

Businesses & SEO companies: We only accept guest posts from travel bloggers with their own websites. If you’d like to discuss link insertions, please contact us.

Are you a fellow travel blogger with a personal website? Are you looking for more exposure? Do you have a great idea for a story or article? If so, we welcome your travel stories!

Share your travel stories on As We Saw It

As We Saw It has a good DR (Ahrefs) and DA (Moz) and we are active on social media. Publishing on our site will:

  • allow you to display your talents
  • give you more exposure as a traveler and writer
  • add another story to your portfolio.
  • be spread far and wide on top social media channels
Laptop on a plane - share your travel writing

Travel bloggers: Write for us! We want your great stories!

If you’ve been there, you have something to share.

Destinations in the US, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Singapore, and Panama are especially welcome.

We are looking for original, first-hand, inspiring, and informative travel articles. As We Saw It focuses on itineraries, cuisines, and cultures.

All articles must have a travel focus:

  • Best things to do
  • Unique things to do
  • tineraries
  • Road trips
  • Day trips
  • Packing lists
  • Destination guides
  • Cultural insights
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • Food, wine, international cuisines
  • Travel tips

We are not interested in individual hotel, restaurant, or car rental reviews. However, a “how to drive in” or “best places to stay“-type post will work.

Please note that we will insert our affiliate links into your article.

Hands on a laptop keyboard to illustrate Write for us

Write for As We Saw It

Ready to write? Great! Here’s what you need to do:

  • Send a message to sponsored@aswesawit .com with the subject line “Travel Blogger Looking for a Backlink.”
  • Provide your URL and DA. (Again, it must be a blog, and it must be travel, food, or wellness-related.)
  • Tell us where you’ve been.
  • Pitch a few story ideas. (We prefer locations that we’ve been to ourselves.)
  • Tell us if you have original photos.
  • Mention that you have read these guidelines in your inquiry.
  • We’ll get back to you ASAP.

If you don’t follow all these guidelines, we will not respond. Working with writers who can’t or won’t follow simple directions is a lot more work than we have time for. Trust us on this: It saves unnecessary effort and headaches for both of us.

Here are our writer’s guidelines

We want to publish your story as much as you want your hard work to appear on our site. However, our readers are expecting consistency. So, here’s what we need.


We know you’ve seen some amazing places and done some incredible things. Tell us about them!

  • Content – The topic MUST be pre-approved. All articles must be original, of course. They must not appear anywhere else on the internet now, nor may the content be published elsewhere in the future without our consent. The article must be written from your personal experience Also, AI-generated articles will be rejected, as they are rarely fact checked before submission.
  • Word count – Articles must be a minimum of 2000 words (more is most definitely better!).
  • Backlinks – You may include one link to a relevant blog post in the article PLUS a link to your blog in your bio. If your article is 2500 or more words, you’re welcome to add another backlink to the article.
  • Keywords – Please use the keyword in the title, a subhead, and a handful of times in the text. Use related terms whenever possible.
  • Photos – We’d love to use your photos in your story. One photo per section is ideal, with descriptive file names to help with SEO and proper article placement. Please send photos 800 px wide or larger (landscape). We accept PNG and JPG formats. If you don’t have an appropriate image, check the photos from our As We Saw It photo galleries. If you find one, just include the URL to the photo and we’ll do the rest.
  • Videos – If you have a YouTube channel with a relevant video, let us know.
  • Internal links – Whenever possible, please link to articles on As We Saw It.
  • External links – You can also link to tourist bureaus, ticket companies, resources, and other helpful websites. However, we reserve the right to add, change, nofollow, move, or remove links as we deem appropriate. We will add affiliate links whenever possible.

Pinterest: We create Pinterest pins to give an evergreen boost to your story. If you don’t want your original photos used on Pinterest, please inform us. If you have portrait photos that we can use, please send them.

** Are you a foodie or wine lover?

If you write about food, that’s fantastic! As travelers, we want to encourage people to try new foods and sample local beverages, including alcoholic drinks. We especially welcome articles about traveling with dietary restrictions, because we are clean eaters and follow a Biblical diet.

Note: WE WILL NOT publish articles that promote eating pork, shellfish, rodents, and other unclean animals/bugs. If you’re unsure about whether we consider something to be edible, feel free to ask. We won’t bite your head off. Pun intended.

ⓘ IMPORTANT: Using someone else’s photos without permission is a violation of international copyright law and can lead to serious problems. We will not be held responsible for any legal issues that may ensue if you violate copyright. If we find that one of your photos is copyrighted, we will immediately remove it, along with your bio and backlinks to your website.


  • US English
  • Subheads – We use <h2> for subheads. (That’s the Heading 2 style in Word.) Use sentence case (Upper case first letter only). Do not use Bold.
  • Shorten paragraphs to 2-3 sentences each.
  • Bulleted lists – #LOVE
  • Remove any style codings, like <span>.
  • We may edit and reformat your article to ensure consistency, clarity, and ease of reading.

Authorship (all about you!)

  • Send us your bio.
  • Include a square or round photo of your beautiful face so people can see who wrote the post!

Submitting your article

  • Articles can be in Word or Google Drive. (We prefer Word.)
  • Submit photos and text separately. If you include photos in the document, we’ll still need the image files.
  • Each image file must describe the image in its name (“Eiffel Tower,” “beach in Kalamata Greece”). This boosts SEO and also helps us manage our media library.
  • Photos can be sent in a zip file.
passport and camera for travel article

Note to DMOs, tour companies, travel agencies, content agencies, etc.

The guidelines on this page only apply to individuals and fellow travel bloggers with personal websites. Our intent is to provide an outlet to those who wish to share their personal experiences, tips, photos, and videos with a wider audience.

We would like to help you promote your destination, product, or business. However, we regret that we are unable to provide free publicity to businesses. As We Saw It is a business, just like yours, and should be treated as such. We deserve adequate financial compensation for publicizing your destination, website, or service.

Please contact us here.

Because some unscrupulous marketers are known to use devious tactics to get a backlink, our policy is to carefully check websites and social media to ensure compliance. We do not accept unsolicited articles. If you submit an unsolicited manuscript, thank you very much for the free content. We reserve the right to edit and publish unsolicited articles with all external links and authorship removed.

As We Saw It