I’m Linda, half of the As We Saw It team. Dan is no longer with us, but I still have the same dreams, goals, clean-eating lifestyle, and love for Thai food.
And I still have a passion for exploring the globe and discovering its cultures.
Since Dan and I began sharing our experiences in 2009, I’ve been to over 50 countries. You’ll find all those travel destinations and travel tips here, shared unfiltered and “as we saw it.”
AWSI is full travel information, tips, and advice that you can use to plan your own trips. Or not. Dreaming is good, too.
I love what I do and feel very fortunate that travel has been such a big part of my life.
“Experiencing different cultures, peoples, environments, and foods may challenge you, but when you leave your comfort zone, you’ll expand your boundaries. You’ll also discover how much we all can learn from each other.”
Dan & Linda
I’m happiest when I don’t have “stuff.” It’s freeing to travel with a carry-on and not much more. We moved to a new country with only what would fit into two suitcases and a backpack each — and that’s including all our electronics and photography equipment.
Actually, I’ve lived in six countries. But I digress.
Who is this site for?
As We Saw It is for travel addicts and travel dreamers. This site is for anyone who is passionate about:
- travel
- clean eating food and drink
- cultures
- heritage
- photography
- creating lifelong memories
What do I do?
From one-day itineraries to moving overseas, I’ve “been there, done that” and learned a lot. On this website, I share insider tips, stories, and photos, highlighting topics such as:
- Destinations
- Memorable things to see and do
- Best places to stay
- Where (and what!) to eat and drink
- Travel planning
- and how to have fun on your travels…
As We Saw It was born out of a dream to help others plan their own trips. It’s all about making travel easy and accessible to anyone, even for first-time travelers. You’ll find helpful how-to-travel advice, itineraries, stories, and even an occasional recipe, all designed to help you maximize your travel experience.
Join our travel tribe!
We enjoy building relationships with you, our readers. That’s why you can find AWSI all over … not only here, but also through Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and a free newsletter.
As much as I love to share, inform, and inspire, I also love it when readers connect.
So don’t be a stranger. Subscribe to the newsletter, and reach out on the contact page to say hello!
Hi Dan & Linda,
I came across your blog while researching on furnished apartments in Cuenca as I am planning to make a trip to Cuenca in comming fall and stay there for 2 or 3 months. I love travelling and whenever possible I try to live for a few months in different parts of the world.
I don’t know where you are now but I am wondering if you could guide me with a little help on how to find a furnished apartment in Cuenca. I can see that you found your furnished apartment in Cuenca with a help from a local realtor. Would you be able to give me how I can reach him once I am in Cuenca? Does he speak good English? Are those furnished apartments offered for short terms such as 2 months? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Andy, Thanks for your question. To answer it, I’ve written an entire article outlining different ways to find an apartment in Cuenca. I hope it helps you and all the others who want to visit.
Lovely blog, guys! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe!
Hi Dan and Linda
We where delighted that you chose to stay in our little inn when we saw how many exotic places you have visited so far!
We will watch your tour with awe!
Safe travels
Hi Adele,
Thank you for your hospitality. Dan and I enjoyed staying and eating at your hotel and enjoyed your staff immensely. Our room was enormous! We’ve never had three beds in our room before! We’ll definitely stay at your hotel if we are in the area again.
Portrush is charming and in an ideal location. If we hear of anyone visiting the Antrim Coast we’ll be sure to tell them to take time out to enjoy your town.
Howdy, you two! It won’t be long now!!! ECUADOR OR BUST!
Hi Sarah! When are you coming?
Hi ~
Just found you on Twitter and I liked your FB page from both my personal and blog pages. I love that you made such a dramatic change to your life. Eighteen months ago we changed our lives and we’ve never looked back. I look forward to following your adventures.
Best ~