How to Make Jameson Irish Coffee

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When we stayed at the Granville Hotel in Waterford, our delectable dinner ended with a lesson on how to make Irish coffee. But not just any Irish coffee. When a hostess arrived to show us an easy way to make it, our tour guide Mick broke out a bottle of Jameson Irish whiskey. You can’t make a Jameson Irish Coffee without it.

In this article, we’ll explore what makes Jameson Irish coffee so special. Read on for the story of this traditional Irish delight and learn how to make the perfect cup of this traditional Irish treat.

The origin of Irish coffee: it’s all about the whiskey

What’s the origin of Irish coffee?

Legend has it that the original Irish coffee was created in the 1940s by Joe Sheridan, a man who worked at an air terminal in County Limerick, western Ireland. On a rainy and blustery winter evening, a small group of American passengers disembarked from a Pan Am Clipper, after having unsuccessfully tried for 10 hours to reach Canada.

Sheridan saw how cold, wet, and miserable they were. He knew from personal experience that a cup of coffee just wouldn’t do the job, so he decided to warm the passengers up a bit with a new concoction.

When the passengers asked if they were being served Brazilian coffee, Sheridan shook his head and told them it was “Irish coffee”. Needless to say, it was a huge hit.

What is in Irish coffee?

Showing what goes into a Jameson Irish coffee

Do a web search for “how to make Irish coffee” and you’ll find a slew of different recipes. The amounts may differ and the procedure may vary … but not by much.

Irish coffee is traditionally served in a warmed glass Irish coffee mug.

Irish coffee always contains these ingredients:

  • Irish whiskey
  • sugar
  • hot coffee, and
  • lightly whipped heavy cream.

That said, it’s amazing how many Irish bars and restaurants have no clue how to make a good Irish coffee. If they serve you one that’s not a beautiful, layered creation, they didn’t make it right.

One important thing to note: Premium whiskey is the secret to a remarkable Irish coffee, so never use budget whiskey. Using whiskey you’d enjoy drinking on its own will unlock the full potential of this beloved classic.

Likewise, by selecting high-quality coffee beans and investing in a top-notch coffeemaker, your Irish coffee will truly shine to its fullest potential. Check Coffeeness for more on selecting a coffeemaker.

Jameson Irish Coffee recipe

To make Irish coffee with Jameson, here’s all you need to do:

Jameson Irish Coffee

This traditional Irish Coffee recipe comes from Waterford, Ireland. It's the Jameson whiskey that makes it an authentic Irish Coffee.
Servings: 1 serving


  • 2 oz Jameson Irish whiskey
  • 2 tsp sugar demerara or brown
  • 6 oz hot coffee freshly brewed
  • 2 tbsp lightly whipped heavy cream


  • Put a teaspoon into a stemmed glass coffee mug and pour some boiling water into it. (The spoon reduces the chance that the glass will crack, but be careful!) Swirl the water around to warm the mug and dump it out.
  • Pour the whiskey into the warmed glass.
  • Add the sugar.
  • Add coffee up to within an inch from the rim.
  • Stir until all the sugar has dissolved. (The sugar helps the cream float on top, so don’t try to use artificial sweetener.)
  • Hold the spoon upside-down, just above the surface of the coffee. Gently pour the whipped cream over the back of the spoon so it floats on top of the coffee. (Now you’ll have a glass of black coffee with a white layer of cream on top.)
  • OPTIONAL: Garnish with a trimmed vanilla pod or cinnamon stick, OR dust with a grating of fresh nutmeg.
  • Serve the coffee on a plate with NO SPOON.
  • Drink the coffee through the layer of cream.


Most Irish coffee recipes specify heavy cream, and some advise that lightly whipping the cream will make it float more easily. The fresh cream we used at Granville had been whipped so perfectly that we could just plop thick dollops on top with no effort.

Is Jameson brand required?

Face it: It wouldn’t be an authentic Irish coffee if it didn’t contain Irish whiskey.

I’ll admit that Dan and I have never been particularly fond of whisky, scotch, or bourbon. But we’d never tried Jameson Irish whiskey before, so we wanted to at least give it a chance. Not gonna lie—we were shocked that we actually liked it!

Anyway, this is why I specifically mentioned Jameson Irish Whiskey in this article. It’s not a snub to other Irish distillers, but we aim to only mention companies that we have first-hand experience with. Not to mention, Jameson is the most-purchased Irish whiskey in the world.

You can use other top Irish whiskey brands if you prefer, but it won’t be a Jameson Irish coffee.

How to make non-alcoholic Irish coffee

If you’re a teetotaler, you can make Irish coffee by using an alcohol-free Irish whiskey like this one.

Another alternative would be to use a whisky-flavored ground coffee (also available on Amazon).

We prefer to call this alcohol-free coffee drink an Irish virgin. 🤣

Want to make this later? Save it to Pinterest!

Mug of Irish Coffee with a bottle of Jameson behind it, text overlay says Irish Coffee Recipe

How our Jameson Irish coffee lesson turned out

The coffees were delicious! Sadly, I was so horrified to see them using instant coffee instead of fresh brewed that just I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Blecch. Gag.

Our guide Mitch kindly gave me a hefty dose of Jameson to compensate. Must. Hire. Him. Again.

Dan, however, has never been much of a coffee snob. He eagerly devoured every drop of his creation.

Alcoholic coffee cocktails

Waitress holding a glass of Irish coffee

While everyone was making and enjoying their coffees, the conversations turned to variations on the theme.

So just for fun, here are some more hot coffee-based cocktails that you can create. All these coffee drinks have their own different names, most of which depend on which liquor you’re using. For instance, if you add both Bailey’s Irish Cream and Irish whiskey to your coffee, you’ll be making a Bailey’s Irish coffee.

  • Scotch whisky – Highland Coffee
  • Bailey’s Irish Cream – Bailey’s Coffee
  • Drambuie – Bonnie Prince Charlie Coffee
  • Cognac – French/Napoleon/Royal Coffee
  • Asbach Uralt brandy – Rüdesheimer Coffee
  • Dark rum – Caribbean Coffee
  • Tequila & Kahlua – Mexican Coffee
  • Brandy & Tia Maria – Spanish Coffee
  • Tia Maria – Calypso Coffee
  • Vodka – Russian Coffee

ⓘ TIP: If using a sweet liqueur such as Tia Maria, you don’t need to add sugar. The liqueur has enough sugar to keep the whipped cream afloat.

For more boozy ideas, the Ultimate Hot Cocktail Directory. It’s a fun book with hundreds of coffee, tea, and hot toddy recipes.

Frequently asked questions about Irish coffee

What is Irish coffee?

Irish coffee is a hot coffee cocktail. The classic recipe for Irish coffee calls for four ingredients: Irish whiskey, steaming coffee, sugar, and whipped heavy cream.

What kind of coffee do you use for Irish coffee?

Medium to dark roasts work well for Irish coffee, as their robust and slightly bitter notes harmonize with the sweetness of the sugar and the richness of the whiskey. However, any coffee can be used, as long as it’s not too bitter or over-brewed.

What is the proper ratio of ingredients for Irish coffee?

The proper ratio of ingredients for Irish coffee is 2 parts hot coffee, 1 part Irish whiskey, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and a layer of lightly whipped, heavy cream on top.

What time of day do people drink Irish coffee?

There is no set time of day when people drink Irish coffee. Some people like to drink it in the morning, especially when it’s cold outside or they’re on vacation. Others prefer to enjoy an Irish coffee as a digestif after dinner.

When is National Irish Coffee Day?

National Irish Coffee Day is celebrated annually on January 25th.

What’s the best whiskey to use in Irish coffee?

The best whiskey to use in Irish coffee is typically Irish whiskey. Popular choices include Jameson, Bushmills, or Tullamore D.E.W. The smooth, slightly sweet flavor of Irish whiskey complements the coffee and cream in this classic drink.

Final thoughts about making Jameson Irish coffee

Irish coffee is not just a drink; it’s a warm embrace on a chilly evening and a taste of the Emerald Isle in a cup. This classic blend of rich coffee, smooth Irish whiskey, and a dollop of whipped cream has transcended its origins to become a beloved global favorite. As we’ve explored the history, variations, and how to make the perfect Irish coffee, we hope you’ve gained a deeper appreciation for this delightful concoction.

The beauty of Irish coffee lies not just in its deliciousness but in the sense of tradition and hospitality it carries with it. Whether shared with friends in a cozy pub or savored alone by the fireplace, it embodies the spirit of togetherness and comfort.

So, the next time you sip on this iconic beverage, take a moment to savor its flavors, appreciate its history, and remember the countless conversations and connections it has facilitated over the years. As with any timeless classic, Irish coffee brings people together, warms the heart, and leaves a lasting, comforting impression that transcends borders and cultures. Sláinte!

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Written by Linda

Linda is multilingual and has been to over 50 countries. Her insatiable love of travel, cuisine, and foreign languages inspired her to create As We Saw It, where she documents her trips, shares practical itineraries, and offers insider tips. She’s passionate about helping fellow travelers save time, money, and hassle, and loves to explore new places.

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6 thoughts on “How to Make Jameson Irish Coffee”

  1. Stayed at the Granville a couple weeks ago on Ireland tour. Yes, this demonstration came after dinner and afterwards one person from the tour was chosen, I think it was her birthday, to make the Irish coffee as well. Great fun! He did use decaf instead instant coffee, so was would get a good night’s rest! Everyone received an Irish coffee. It was the best I’ve ever had. Ordered one at various places on tour, but they were not as good as the Granville’s.

  2. We were at the Granville in Waterford around October 2, 2016. Your post is exactly how they made it. They also handed out cards on making Irish Coffee. I too was taken back with using instant coffee at first. The proof is in the product. Wow! Easy and delicious.

  3. Please let me know if there are restaurants in Nairobi that provide Irish coffee, my whisky brands are Johnnie walker black and Jameson.


    • I’m sorry, we have no idea about restaurants in Nairobi because we’ve never been to Kenya. Perhaps a google search will send you to one that appeals; a good bartender can create anything, especially if you share the recipe in our story with him. Considering the excellent reputation of Kenyan coffee I’m sure you will be pleased with the result.

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