Patacones Recipe (Fried Green Plantains)

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Have you heard of fried green plantains? They are as popular in Latin America and the Caribbean as French fries are in the U.S. In other words, everyone eats them and they’re on practically every restaurant menu.

Whether you call them tostones, patacones, or fried green plantain chips, these crispy little rounds make a mighty tasty snack or side dish. They are so delicious that we had to share our easy patacones recipe with you. We’ll be surprised if you don’t enjoy them as much as we do.

And here’s a bonus: They are gluten free, full of nutrients, and vegan friendly. Sadly, they’re not also low carb. Guess you can’t have everything.

Patacones or tostones?

Same name, same recipe; the difference is where you are. If you’re in any country between Peru and Costa Rica, they call them patacones, and occasionally, patacóns. Further north, in most of Central America and the Caribbean, you will have to ask for tostones. You can even find them in West Africa, where they call them “plantain crisps.”

At least … that’s what I read online.

Having lived in Panama and Ecuador, we came to call them patacones. Pat-a-cone-ez. Four syllables that make my mouth water as they roll off my tongue.

Whatever you call them, they eaten as a snack or side dish all over Latin America and throughout the Caribbean. And why not? They’re cheap, filling, nutritious, and easy to make.

These crispy little rounds are so delicious that we had to learn to make them while we were in Panama. We think that recipes make a perfect travel souvenir.

I sometimes think patacones are even more popular than sancocho, Panama’s national dish. Considering how often they are eaten, you might as well call them Latino french fries. But I don’t think Latino fries sounds nearly as catchy.

A gravy-coated chicken breast, sprinked with parsley, on a plate. Served with tostones as a side dish.

Plantains are good for you

These little guys may look like golden-brown discs of fried banana, but they’re not. They are starchy through and through, and leave just the tiniest hint of banana flavor after the swallow. They’re made from a fruit known as the plantain.

Plantains are related to the curvy yellow fruit we all know and love. In fact their trees look identical. They look the same inside, too. But plantains are used differently and have so many health benefits that they are actually the 10th-most important staple food in the world.

if you haven’t eaten cooked plantains yet, you’re in for a treat. That’s why we had to share our tostones recipe with you.

Or plantain. You know what I mean.

What’s the difference between plantains and bananas?

Plantains are usually larger, with more angular sides. They have a thick skin, which changes from emerald green to black as it ripens. The flesh is starchy and is usually cooked before being eaten.

On the other hand, bananas and are usually smaller, more rounded, and sugary. They are typically eaten raw and are yellow when ripe. Some people call them “dessert bananas.” Cavendish bananas are the most common variety.

Funny story: While we were shopping in the grocery store one day, I saw a gringa angrily shaking her bag of plantains as she complained to the store manager. “I bought these bananas weeks ago, and they’re still green! I want some that will ripen!”

You should have seen the confused look on his face. They were so clearly (to him) plantains, not bananas, yet obviously the irate woman was completely clueless that such a thing even existed.

How to select plantains for patacones

As you might have guessed from my story, plantains stay green for a very long time and can easily fool the uninitiated. How do you tell the difference between bananas and plantains in the grocery store? Plantains are solid, heavier and have a more blocky shape.

That’s what you’ll want for this recipe: plantains with a darker, gray-green color.

If you find any in the grocery store that are yellowing, that is a sign that they are beginning to ripen, which means the starch inside is turning into sugar (in other words, they’re getting sweeter). They’ll be pretty much completely yellow for a while before they develop black streaks – just as dessert bananas do – and finally they turn black.

The black ones are really sweet. Latinos use them to make a fabulously delicious sweet dish called maduros. But that’s not what we’re making today.

Patacones (Fried Green Plantains)

This is an easy-to-follow recipe for patacones, also known as tostones or fried green plantain chips. Learn to make this and you'll be enjoying one of the most popular dishes in Latin America.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Caribbean, Panamanian
Keyword: vegetarian
Servings: 40 pieces


  • 1 Heavy, heat-proof mug or glass
  • 1 Roll of paper towels


  • 4 green plantains not yellow or black; it vastly changes the taste
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying, enough oil to be about ½ inch deep in your frying pan


  • Place 4 cups warm water into a large bowl. Stir in about 1 tablespoon of salt. Set aside.
  • Peel the plantains. (The easiest way to do this is to cut the ends off, then run your knife through the peel lengthwise on two sides – without piercing the actual flesh. Use the knife to get under the skin and peel it off.)
  • Cut plantains crosswise into 1-inch thick pieces. Place in bowl of warm salted water. Let sit 15-20 minutes. (This step adds flavor & also gets rid of some of the starch from the plantains.)
  • Heat oil over MEDIUM heat until the oil is glistening. You’ll know it’s hot enough when a small “tester” piece of plantain sizzles.
  • Remove plantain pieces from the water & blot completely dry with paper towels.
  • Place plantain pieces in the oil (don’t crowd the skillet; it’s better to do 2 batches if needed). Fry plantains 5-7 minutes, turning occasionally with tongs, until tender & just beginning to turn golden color.
  • Remove plantain pieces with tongs to a flat, non-stick surface, such as a cutting board. For safety, remove pan from flame.
  • Spray the bottom of a heat-proof glass tumbler or mug with non-stick cooking spray. Gently flatten each plantain piece to ~1/4″ thickness. Small cracks are OK. Slide plantain off glass.
  • Reheat oil over medium heat and return flattened plantains to hot oil. Fry 3-4 minutes, turning occasionally, until plantains are golden brown in color.
  • Transfer plantains to a plate with a fresh paper towel, but DO NOT BLOT. Sprinkle with salt & serve immediately, with ketchup (optional).

Want to make this later? Save it to Pinterest!

metal spatula holding freshly fried plantain chip - text overlay says easy authentic tostones recipe, a step by step guide.

How to eat tostones and patacones

Enjoy these delectable morsels as a snack or a side dish. You can eat them with your fingers. They also make a delicious accompaniment to Panama’s national dish, Panamanian Sancocho. GET THE RECIPE HERE.

Patacones are eaten much like potato chips or French fries, either as-is or with a sprinkle of salt. In some regions, people dip them in a sauce such as guacamole, garlicky mojo, ají, or sweet and sour. In Panama they are often served with ketchup. I’d guess it’s a holdover from the days when the U.S. controlled the Panama Canal.

In some countries, fried plantains are topped with cheese as an appetizer, or served as a side with ceviche, pulled chicken or avocado salad. Venezuelans even use patacones as a sandwich filling!

Try them any delicious way you like, then let us know what you think.

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Written by Linda

Linda is multilingual and has been to over 50 countries. Her insatiable love of travel, cuisine, and foreign languages inspired her to create As We Saw It, where she documents her trips, shares practical itineraries, and offers insider tips. She’s passionate about helping fellow travelers save time, money, and hassle, and loves to explore new places.

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23 thoughts on “Patacones Recipe (Fried Green Plantains)”

  1. Patacones…Tostones…Delish! Although we find plantains pretty regularly in grocery stores where we live (Texas), they tend to stay there a long time and are not great quality. However, the Asian markets around us carry all sorts of tasty cooking and dessert bananas. (Sometimes even Saba!) I like this easy recipe – I had tried baking them first, then mashing and frying. It worked pretty well, but they still taste better double fried. (So much for trying to be at least a little healthy…)

      • I have not cooked with it, but my mom-in-law made a soup with it in there, along with who knows what! It tasted good, that’s all I was concerned with! 🙂 The saba itself tasted pretty much like a plantain. It was softer, but probably because it was stewing for a while.

  2. we know them as tostones, which I think is what they call them in Puerto Rico. And I really can’t get enough of them. My husband enjoys flattening them between the two fryings, he often uses a can of beans to do it. And a squeeze of lime juice with the salt adds a nice kicks. Thanks for sharing on #wkendtravelinspiration

    • Yes, I think most countries know them as tostones. Your lime-and-salt suggestion sounds delicious; it would be a variation on the salt and vinegar flavor I enjoy so much with potato chips.

  3. Wow, this certainly piqued my curiosity. I didn’t know what a plantain was and when I Googled, it kind of looks like saba, a variant of bananas that we use for cooking in the Philippines. Except instead of salt, we deep fry it with sugar — so sinful right? 🙂

    Will definitely try this out when I go to Latin America. The dips you described sounds absolutely mouth-watering!

    • Turn about is fair play, Liz. I fully intend to seek out your sugar-laden fried saba when I go to the Philippines, and I’ll enjoy every bite of that decadence. Thanks for the tip.

  4. I LOOOOVE fried plantain. Unfortunately, plantains are not the easiest thing to find in Nairobi so I don’t eat them as much as i would like to

  5. You have covered all the patacones related things in a excellent manner. In Puerto Rico, we called them tostones. We eat them with garlic mojo (like you mentioned) or with mayoketchup (as the name implies, you mix mayo and ketchup, sometimes a hint of garlic is added). Some people like to use the plantain when it is a bit ripe to make the patacones (will result in a sweeter patacon). I prefer the regular recipe with green plantains.

    • I don’t know which I prefer, the patacones/tostones or the sweet maduros. If calories weren’t an issue, I’d just eat them both.

  6. Mmmm. These sound very tempting – I can imagine they’d be easy to snack on. I’ve had very mixed experiences with plantain including some which was just incredibly starchy, but cooked this way sounds delicious. #theweeklypostcard

    • Well…just as you’d expect Cathy, the green ones are pretty starchy. You might prefer the ripe ones cooked with brown sugar, called maduros. I know we do!

  7. I love fried plantains and am always thrilled when I see them on a menu. My most recent encounter was on a cruise ship through the Panama canal.

    • It’s great when cruise ships offer a sample of the local cuisines, isn’t it Rhonda? Did you have the opportunity to try any other Panamanian dishes while on the ship?

  8. Just based on these photos, these look simply delicious! I already love the fried banana chips that you can find in Southeast Asia, so I think I’d love these too. I don’t know if plantains are sold here in Singapore though. All the bananas you find in stores can be eaten raw. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for these when I visit Ecuador!!

    • I think you’re right that plantains aren’t available in Singapore, but you do have a lot of other things that we don’t, so it’s hard to feel very sorry for you, lol. I’m familiar with the salted banana chips that they sell in the U.S. They are very much like potato chips in texture and flavor, but with a slightly banana undertone. Are your chips similar?

  9. I saw the plantains in the store and I’ve heard they are eaten fried, but I had no idea they are called Patacones. I’ve never tried them, of course, but I’m sure I would enjoy them a lot because they are fried. I love everything fried (although it’s so unhealthy!), so I’m going to try this recipe as soon as I can get my hands on some plantains.

    • I am a huge fan of fried foods as well, Anda. They are really easy to make, and if they weren’t so high in carbs we would eat them a lot. Plantains are easy to find, actually. Besides Latino markets, these days you can often find them in regular grocery stores wherever there is a large Spanish, African or Caribbean population.

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